In infinity, all armies have powerful and weak sides. I want to write a detailed thread on this subject. This thread would be perfect for starters especially. Maybe somebody there wants to start tohaa,since he likes the minis, but not sure about the playing style of the army at all. There will be some minus sides and positive sides of each army. You will envy some troopers for sure. But believe in me, they will envy you too.
Ok. lets start.
Fireteam triad
(+) We have unlimited fireteam triads. We can establish links, that can push buttons,strike deadly and smoke around at the same time. We have almost unlimited options for that,since we can select any members we want, who has fireteam triad ability on his stats. 4 links- 5links all possible. It brings us extra burst on while defending or attacking. On defensive side, it makes us a very solid army. With increased burst, we can attack really deadly. Moreover, we can move very quickly on the table, without consuming so much orders, since all members of the link move with 1 order only. This brings you a real order efficiency. We are the only main faction of the game who can build links.
(-) Unfortunetly, moving together means, most of the time being attacked together too. Any template can effect troops at one time. Even if you loose one member,links are not effective anymore. Tohaa has serious six sense level 2 problem. If we dont count the new kaauri, we cant respond well against suprise attacks. sixsense comes after 4 members in links and therefore, we can never benefit from it. since we cant build 5man links, we can never benefit from bs +3 bonus which is coming by this way only.
Hacking ( Pheroware tactics and other precious things )
(+) We are good at hacking in alien way. We are one of the few armies that can attack the troops, that our not in our Line of fire. We have white hackers to support some of troops as well. We can use mirror ball for "hacking device plus - hacking program effect" to be unseen by msv troops. We can immobilise troops or even kill them if they are "W" troops. Our precious pheroware tactics level 2 is on the way and will mean alot for us later. We have nullfiiers that almost nobody has to get rid of any hacking attempts,com tech attacks etc. We have high bts value on our tag,HI infantries and we are really hard to be hacked.
(-) You will miss many hacking stuff in tohaa for sure. We dont have "spotlight program" by any alien means. Our hackers only can defend themselves against powerful killer hackers and will die at the end sooner or later. You cant do anything against rems and hackers. By pheroware tactics, you cant attack structure units and your only hope is k1 weapons or finding other ways to damage them. You will sweat a little, when your opponent has rems and attacking type hackers. Also, i have to say that tohaa is the only army without rems in infinity. No repeaters, no pitchers and you will try to respond with your poor reset against all these. Our symbiobombs are limited with 1 attack each. So if you get one keltar with 2 symbiobombs, you have only 2 spells you can do in the entire game!
Technology (Equipments and Skills)
(+) We are good at techy things. We are not the best, but we are good. First of everything, we have the symbiont armors which is unique for us.We have tocamo unit clipso, holoprojector level 2 equipment wielder kotail, hackers to protect us from ad troops with hacking transport craft and they can use fairy dust to protect HI infantries. They can allow gaotarsos to make a controled jump too. We have alien technology "nullifers". Special symbiobugs,mates and bombs. Sensor is available. We can use msv level 1 and level 2. We have both eclipse and normal smokes. So we can attack in smokes with gaoreel if we want. We have one camo troop. You can see nanopulsers and pulzars in our army oftenly. On viral/k1 weapons, we are number one. we have the e/m grenades. sakiels offer us nimbus plus grenades. We have so many toys to play with. We dont have hacking or hacking device plus but we have white noice in alien way.
(-) What is that technology you are talking about ? There is no REMS in the whole army. You cant buff the rems that you dont have, because you dont have hackers too. Eclipse smokes that makauls have make your gaoreel to not hit their opponents as well. Only normal smoke provider kerail has low ph and has his beasts around and it is hard to hide them in small templates. We dont have multi ammo weapons except Armand and we dont have grenades except krakot. only one to camo and one camo option hurts. There is one man only sendrome in the whole army. examples can be e/m grenade wielder kotail or adhesive luncher wielder gaoreel only. There is techy things but only few units have those. No repeater, no sniffer, no pitcher, no deactivator, no minesweeper, no real total reaction (neurocinetics), no missile luncher (only smart rocket), no no no...
(+) We are one of the best armies on specialists variety. You can find several options on any. Many units with dcharges, good paramedics are linked and easy to reach the target. Link is driven by either a powerful link leader or with a makaul with eclipse smokes. So you wont have a serious problem on reaching the spot. We have the delegate who is the cheapest specialist of the game and only 5 points but irregular. Sukeul forward observer has lt option too. Triads are very mobile and order efficient. You can take several mission makers in the same triad. Kotail is one most mobile pieces of the game wirh superjump and have forward observer option. We have clipso forward observer-infiltrator and tocamo. She is one of the best specialists of the game. Since, symbiontarmor gives extra durability and mates eliminating the hits, you can risk to loose a wound , before pushing the button. We have 2 engineers, one doctor, some forward observers/paramedics and 2 hackers. Airdrop unit gao tarsos has paramedic option and have dhcarges as well except hmg variant.
(-) Well. you will miss more specialists in mid table. Only clipso forward observer there and she is the only option for the mid table. Hacking missions are not easy for you. You have 2 hacker option and most of the time, you wont be even taking one. You have 2 engineer options but only one structure unit is a problem still. There is only kaauri that you can repair. Taking an engineer worths in other armies. Because there are plenty of rems,tags etc. But in tohaa, it is a question mark. Having a taquel in the army helps for forward observer mission,but expensive and you will not take him oftenly. You have to move your ass and have to struggle and move in to the action, to reach mission points. 14 wip is your max for a specialist and kosuil engineer has it. Other than that you have wip 13 generally.
Liutenant / chain of command - Leaders of the Tohaa
(+) We are flying on the moon on while selecting leaders. We have many efficient liuetenant options and several fruitful chain of command troopers. Rasail is a very good lieutenant and can benefit from lt order each turn, since you have also chain of command keltars who are the best cost efficient COC units the game. You have also taquel lt that can do the same thing. There is advanced command option on Neema and taquel to increase our command tokens to 5. There is kamael lt, sakiel viral lt, sukeuls who can be selected as LT and they can be safer inside of the triads. Neema is a cool lt who is very resistant against any damage and have a powerful wip 15 which is a max in tohaa standarts. Taquel has also chain of command option, who is the most resistant COC unit of the game. We dont spend extra swc on liuetenants at all. We are best of the best on chain of command and keeping lt alive things.
(-) Hard to say something negative on this part. If we have to say something, we cant have hiden options on liuetenants/cocs like intruder, aswang, farzan chain of command etc. If our lt is in triads, we wont be using lt order, that we can use every single turn, that can mean, we will loose these 3 extra orders.
Tricky things or direct game and game strategy
(+) We are good on both of them. We have clipso and igao for early strike. Mines and minelayers there for mind tricks. Gao tarsos and cube jagger can land close to enemy ranks. We have fo+small rocket, sensor + triangualated fire with k1, msv level 2 + smokes tricks to attack. Our links can march and kill with their high burst. We have a very good weapon variety and we can compose our links by thinking different situations. We have tricky symbio bombs and bugs that can defend us also, can wound/immobilise enemy troops. They give you "reset or dodge you will die at the end" unique trick.Tohaa is the most resistant army in infinity. We have the cheapest 2wound troopers. Symbiomates will make your opponent really angry and you will never die easily. Your troops are more stronger together and there is a great synergy between them. Smoking with makauls and moving inside of the smokes with links and high mobile troops with order effiency is awesome. You have uniqe things to kill your enemy and some opponents dont know tohaa well which is a plus side too.
(-) But... There will many things you will complain still. Tohaa has the least variety and options when you compare it with other armies. If there is a camo in deployment, it is a mine. When there is a tocamo, it is a clipso. If you field a camo in mid table, it is an igao or mine. Easy to guess tactics and your opponent will know that you must march. Mines, repeaters,rems with total reaction, buffed rems and links are very effective against us. We have fire fear on multi wound troops. If we loose the symmbiont state on units, they become like poor troops with only basic skills and stats. After loosing a member, you may have to use you hardly earned command tokens. Our max balistic skill never goes up more than bs13 except gorgos. Even on Gorgos it is bs14 and gorgos doesnt have hmg like most tags have. You will have lower bs then any opponent for ever, accept it or dont play tohaa. It is a serious problem especially on a linked grenade luncher. without any link bonus , how can i use a proper speculative fire? no ap on any weapon, except gorgos ap spitfire.
Anyways, we are tohaa and we have learned to struggle against all difficulties. No one can match with our strength and our determination. Just remember to keep that mates close enough.
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