For the tohaa!
Yes for only tohaa. There are some equipments special and only for us. There are also others, which are important, but you can see in other factions too.
This thread's subject is this. Special skills, equiments and weapons that we have.
Vulkan shotgun : I love this. i really love this weapon. Very dangerous weapon that we have only on Ectros units. in close ranges and in a triad especially, having 3 burst attack with bs19 and fire ammo! Destroyer. In morat sectorial in combined army, for instance raktorak and suryat are the ones that i remember who wield this powerful weapon.
k1 combi and k1 sniper : Dont forget that we don't have hackers in tohaa. We need that k1 ammo in our army. k1 is a real alien tech that forfeits arm value of our opponents. k1 we can spot in morats too. no where else. However we can find it everywhere in our army. Sukeuls, kosuils, aeleis keesan,ectros are the units that you can find k1 weapon options. I advice strongly to take one wielder in your army.
viral combi/viral sniper/viral pistol : I love it and i love it more from anything else in this game. This powerful weapon can kill anything. Enemy has to suffer 2 bts rolls with each success and if he is not succesful he dies. Several troopers have this ammo type in their weapons. Sakiel, ectros, nikoul. I believe tohaa is the only army with viral combi. Neema has also viral pistol which is handy too.
nimbus plus grenades : Once upon a time, i was loving alot its' old ancestor "swarm grenades" Now i am enjoying nimbus plus more these days. sakiel is the only wielder for this weapon. well maybe not a proper weapon, but mentioning in this category. It gives saturation and poor visibility to where it lands. -6 extra modifier is very handy. Makaul becomes the star of the show, if you can send send this one, before his heavyflame attack. Clipso in poor visibility condition gives her opponents -12 modifier in poor visibility conditions.
Eclipse smoke grenades : Nomads have it. Aleph also. But we have too. Eclipse smoke provide you total cover and it protects you from msv equipments. No one can see you any more. Our precious makauls have it. Try to take one makaul on each triad.
e/m grenades : This effective grenade is can be seen in some variants in kotail. since we dont have a hacker, em grenade is a serious option to think about. some armies have it. like yujing.
smoke grenades : Almost all factions have it someway except Pano. We have it on kerail and we can make that bitch smoke + gaoreel attacks.
heavy flamethrower : We have it on makauls and we love it.
Pulzar / nanopulser : Pulzar is a large teardrop attack with bts damage. Gorgos have it for instance. Nanopulser we have every where, even on cheap delegates.
Panzerfaust / Flammenspear : We have these two disposable weapons. Flammenspear on Gorgos is one of the very few options we have on template weapons and has fire ammo. Panzerfaust, you can spot on Neema and kosuil shotgun variants and many other armies have it.
Breaker combi rifle/breaker pistols : Only Neema has it. It is strong against low bts troops. It lowers the bts value by half. In a triad, it is effective with 4 bursts. Armand Muet has also 2x breaker pistols which oftenly you wont be using alot.
Light/heavy rocket luncher : Comeon corvus belli. On only sakiel variant we have the light rocket luncher. Templates are powerful on triads. We have smart rocket luncher on chaksas and it is unique for tohaa.
Missile luncher : We have this strong weapon on sukeul. mimetism + 2 burst in cover aro will be something that your opponents really worry about.
Adhesive luncher : We have it but it is very hard to use. If you field a gaoreel, most of the time it will be sniper or spitfire. Maybe boarding shotgun. you will hardly remember the combi option, that have the adhesive luncher also.
Contenders : double contenders on rasails and mutans which are together with kerails. Very hardly used troopers. You can even forget that you have this weapon option, since you wont be using at all.
Emitter : New guys on the block, cube jaggers have it. Very nice weapon indeed, most probably on the wrong trooper for you.
Antipersonnel mines : We have on plenty units.
Sniper : We have sniper rifle on kamaels, kaauris and gaoreel
Multisniper : Only Armand le muet has it.
Combi / light and boarding shotgun / smg / pistols : Like most of the other armies we have also these type of weapons on several units.
Chest mine / grenades / chain rifle : I wrote all of them together, since only krakot is having them. Chest mine is interesting ,but you will prefer most of the time 2xchain rifle with grenades option.
Symbiont Armor : I could find a place in equipments but it is not. It is a state which ends and never comes back after we loose it. It is unique for tohaa and i have along thread about it. please read it.
Symbio bugs : Powerful deployable defensive equipment that protects and attack others who dare to come closer. bts hitting monsters also puts opponents in targeted state. We need more corvus belli. We need more. Now only taquel has it.
Symbiomates / bombs : Unique for tohaa, these come with keltar troops. They allows us hacking in alien way and help us to get rid of the attacks. I have a seperate thread on them.
Nullifier : Best way to get rid of hacking danger and comtech attacks. I wrote even a thread about it. Other than tohaa, only onyx sectorial has this powerful item.
Biometric Visor level 2 : Kaauris have it. In ISS, baotroops have it too. This equipment makes you more stronger against assasination attempts. There is no way in the game to suprise a kaauri.
MSV Level 1/2 : We have msv level 1 on nikouls/armand and kaauris. Gaoreel has msv level 2. We can find outside armies like Nomads that have msv 1 and msv 2 troops at the same time.
Holoprojector level 2 / superjump : Kotails have it and it is very enjoayble to use him with also superjump ability together. Jump behind a construction and say hello with 3 markers at once. Kerail's surdas have superjump as well.
Sensor : Aeleis keesan and reliable chaksa baggages have it. Having a sensor in my army is a must have for me. I feel myself naked without it. All armies have sensor but not many have sensor + powerful weapon combination together for triangulated fire. k1 combi on Aeleis Keesan works really well with k1 combi. Did i say sakiels have nimbus plus grenades. Think about it.
Nanoscreen : We have the precious nanoscreen on rasails. Rasails always act like they are already in cover everywhere on the table. Except combined army, no army has this equipment.
White hacker / Defensive hackers ? : Poor tohaa has it. Kamael white hacker and Aeleis keesan have this thing if you need one day. Kamael white hacker is a solid and cheap option for that. I sometimes put in my army for some defence against ad troops.
Mimetism / sapper : Only tohaa has it. Ofcourse not. Everbody have it and we are one of the most poor factions on this subject. Sukeuls have mimetism and mimetism makes her an impresive killer. Sapper skill provides cover + mimetism for nikoul. You can call igao has mimetism either. When ever igao becomes impetious after killing one opponent. He has no more camo and uses mimetism still instead.
To camo/ odd : Best trooper in the world and in the known galaxy, clipsos have it. Ofcourse many others have it too in other armies. But the cheapest infiltrator tocamo is ours and we are proud of her. We have also notorious sniper option Armand Muet. If you field Armand, use also a mate and enjoy the tears of your opponents.
Ikohl level 1 : After n3 , it becomes more powerful indeed. Igao and our humble delegate have it. On igao, it is very effective and with other many other abilities igao has, it creates an awesome combination to rename the real assasin of the game.
Dcharges : Important to notify. In tohaa there are several options for dcharge equipment. Kosuil, Sukeul, Kumotail and gaotarsos have it.
Medikits : Tohaa has the best paramedics. Because of the symbiont armor especially. We get +3 bonus on these attempts on troops that havesymbiont armor. There is plenty of options there. Kamael, sakiel, gao tarsos, new guy coming with ITS 9 called Cube jagger are the ones we have in the team. We have a doctor called kumotail,lets remind.
Baggage : Chaksas have it. I always field at least 2 chaksa baggages.
Advanced Command : We have an extra command token and thats all. For this we are paying 5 points more on its' owner Neema/taquel. I think that it is very expensive and i dont like it. If you have it, try to use all your command tokens.
Chain of command : One of the most useful skills in the game. We have it on several units and we can have several chain of commands in the field at the same time. Keltars and taquels have it. You can have 2 keltars at the same time and you can rambo your rasail with even your Lt order.
Specialist operative : We have on delegate. Cheapest specialist of the game.
Bio-immunity : I would be happy to see it on more units. At the moment, it is only on kosuils. Kosuils have arm 2 and bts of 3. They can use bts instead of arm when facing a mine for instance. useful skill.
V:Dogged : One of my favorite skills of the game and we have it on kerails' surdas. They make the job done before they die at the end.
Hyper dynamics level 1 / kinematica level 1-2 : Right skill on the right unit. Kerails' surdas have it. Surdas have already ph of 15 and it is very easy for them to dodge. Kinematica is useful time to time. Makaul like units with martial arts and surdas have it.
Multiterrain : Can be useful time to time. We have this skill on our infiltrators and on the sukeuls.
Six sense level 2 : Tohaa was the only army without six sense level 2 before kaauris. Now there is kaauri and they are very good deployment zone keepers.
Valor,courage : We have it on chaksas,sakiels and sukeuls. I dont enjoy this skill.
Veteran level 1 : we have it on sukeuls. Sukeuls keep on fighting till the end of the game. They nevel field the war field. Loosing a LT is not an issue for them.
Ghost : Sync. : Rasails,kerails and gorgos have this skill. It allows the main troop to have a friend nearby and they attack at the same time. Important skill on offence and defence. Only problem is that you cant coordinate troops having this skill. Anyways with new faq, we can use them in coordinated orders, after loosing the sychronised trooper.
Meta chemistry level 2 / morats : we have krakots and we enjoy them. Metachemistry brings nice options for krakot and as being morat, krakot knows no turn back.
Stealth : Apart from troops having martial arts like Neema and makaul, we have stealth option on sukeul too. So you can build a link for silent operations.
Minelayer : We have several options like kosuil, armand,nikoul and clipso.
Forward deployment level 1 : I like this skill. But only armand and krakots have it. I would love a specialist with symbiont bugs with that. On armand, it is nice to have it to find the right spot with a cover.
Regeneration : An other expensive skill which you can find on taquel and Aeleis Keesan. I still wait from corvus belli to make this skill auto, in the beginning of our turn. Otherwise it is really expensive for the moment.
Corahtar Discipline level 1 ( oh God please 2 ) : We have only level 1 for the moment that allows us to bring symbiomates and bombs. There is also kaauri wielding a pheroware tactics. When the level 2 comes ( which i hope with the new sectorial ) i will love my army more.
Yes for only tohaa. There are some equipments special and only for us. There are also others, which are important, but you can see in other factions too.
This thread's subject is this. Special skills, equiments and weapons that we have.
Vulkan shotgun : I love this. i really love this weapon. Very dangerous weapon that we have only on Ectros units. in close ranges and in a triad especially, having 3 burst attack with bs19 and fire ammo! Destroyer. In morat sectorial in combined army, for instance raktorak and suryat are the ones that i remember who wield this powerful weapon.
k1 combi and k1 sniper : Dont forget that we don't have hackers in tohaa. We need that k1 ammo in our army. k1 is a real alien tech that forfeits arm value of our opponents. k1 we can spot in morats too. no where else. However we can find it everywhere in our army. Sukeuls, kosuils, aeleis keesan,ectros are the units that you can find k1 weapon options. I advice strongly to take one wielder in your army.
viral combi/viral sniper/viral pistol : I love it and i love it more from anything else in this game. This powerful weapon can kill anything. Enemy has to suffer 2 bts rolls with each success and if he is not succesful he dies. Several troopers have this ammo type in their weapons. Sakiel, ectros, nikoul. I believe tohaa is the only army with viral combi. Neema has also viral pistol which is handy too.
nimbus plus grenades : Once upon a time, i was loving alot its' old ancestor "swarm grenades" Now i am enjoying nimbus plus more these days. sakiel is the only wielder for this weapon. well maybe not a proper weapon, but mentioning in this category. It gives saturation and poor visibility to where it lands. -6 extra modifier is very handy. Makaul becomes the star of the show, if you can send send this one, before his heavyflame attack. Clipso in poor visibility condition gives her opponents -12 modifier in poor visibility conditions.
Eclipse smoke grenades : Nomads have it. Aleph also. But we have too. Eclipse smoke provide you total cover and it protects you from msv equipments. No one can see you any more. Our precious makauls have it. Try to take one makaul on each triad.
e/m grenades : This effective grenade is can be seen in some variants in kotail. since we dont have a hacker, em grenade is a serious option to think about. some armies have it. like yujing.
smoke grenades : Almost all factions have it someway except Pano. We have it on kerail and we can make that bitch smoke + gaoreel attacks.
heavy flamethrower : We have it on makauls and we love it.
Pulzar / nanopulser : Pulzar is a large teardrop attack with bts damage. Gorgos have it for instance. Nanopulser we have every where, even on cheap delegates.
Panzerfaust / Flammenspear : We have these two disposable weapons. Flammenspear on Gorgos is one of the very few options we have on template weapons and has fire ammo. Panzerfaust, you can spot on Neema and kosuil shotgun variants and many other armies have it.
Breaker combi rifle/breaker pistols : Only Neema has it. It is strong against low bts troops. It lowers the bts value by half. In a triad, it is effective with 4 bursts. Armand Muet has also 2x breaker pistols which oftenly you wont be using alot.
Light/heavy rocket luncher : Comeon corvus belli. On only sakiel variant we have the light rocket luncher. Templates are powerful on triads. We have smart rocket luncher on chaksas and it is unique for tohaa.
Missile luncher : We have this strong weapon on sukeul. mimetism + 2 burst in cover aro will be something that your opponents really worry about.
Adhesive luncher : We have it but it is very hard to use. If you field a gaoreel, most of the time it will be sniper or spitfire. Maybe boarding shotgun. you will hardly remember the combi option, that have the adhesive luncher also.
Contenders : double contenders on rasails and mutans which are together with kerails. Very hardly used troopers. You can even forget that you have this weapon option, since you wont be using at all.
Emitter : New guys on the block, cube jaggers have it. Very nice weapon indeed, most probably on the wrong trooper for you.
Antipersonnel mines : We have on plenty units.
Sniper : We have sniper rifle on kamaels, kaauris and gaoreel
Multisniper : Only Armand le muet has it.
Combi / light and boarding shotgun / smg / pistols : Like most of the other armies we have also these type of weapons on several units.
Chest mine / grenades / chain rifle : I wrote all of them together, since only krakot is having them. Chest mine is interesting ,but you will prefer most of the time 2xchain rifle with grenades option.
Symbiont Armor : I could find a place in equipments but it is not. It is a state which ends and never comes back after we loose it. It is unique for tohaa and i have along thread about it. please read it.
Symbio bugs : Powerful deployable defensive equipment that protects and attack others who dare to come closer. bts hitting monsters also puts opponents in targeted state. We need more corvus belli. We need more. Now only taquel has it.
Symbiomates / bombs : Unique for tohaa, these come with keltar troops. They allows us hacking in alien way and help us to get rid of the attacks. I have a seperate thread on them.
Biometric Visor level 2 : Kaauris have it. In ISS, baotroops have it too. This equipment makes you more stronger against assasination attempts. There is no way in the game to suprise a kaauri.
MSV Level 1/2 : We have msv level 1 on nikouls/armand and kaauris. Gaoreel has msv level 2. We can find outside armies like Nomads that have msv 1 and msv 2 troops at the same time.
Holoprojector level 2 / superjump : Kotails have it and it is very enjoayble to use him with also superjump ability together. Jump behind a construction and say hello with 3 markers at once. Kerail's surdas have superjump as well.
Sensor : Aeleis keesan and reliable chaksa baggages have it. Having a sensor in my army is a must have for me. I feel myself naked without it. All armies have sensor but not many have sensor + powerful weapon combination together for triangulated fire. k1 combi on Aeleis Keesan works really well with k1 combi. Did i say sakiels have nimbus plus grenades. Think about it.
Nanoscreen : We have the precious nanoscreen on rasails. Rasails always act like they are already in cover everywhere on the table. Except combined army, no army has this equipment.
White hacker / Defensive hackers ? : Poor tohaa has it. Kamael white hacker and Aeleis keesan have this thing if you need one day. Kamael white hacker is a solid and cheap option for that. I sometimes put in my army for some defence against ad troops.
Mimetism / sapper : Only tohaa has it. Ofcourse not. Everbody have it and we are one of the most poor factions on this subject. Sukeuls have mimetism and mimetism makes her an impresive killer. Sapper skill provides cover + mimetism for nikoul. You can call igao has mimetism either. When ever igao becomes impetious after killing one opponent. He has no more camo and uses mimetism still instead.
To camo/ odd : Best trooper in the world and in the known galaxy, clipsos have it. Ofcourse many others have it too in other armies. But the cheapest infiltrator tocamo is ours and we are proud of her. We have also notorious sniper option Armand Muet. If you field Armand, use also a mate and enjoy the tears of your opponents.
Ikohl level 1 : After n3 , it becomes more powerful indeed. Igao and our humble delegate have it. On igao, it is very effective and with other many other abilities igao has, it creates an awesome combination to rename the real assasin of the game.
Dcharges : Important to notify. In tohaa there are several options for dcharge equipment. Kosuil, Sukeul, Kumotail and gaotarsos have it.
Medikits : Tohaa has the best paramedics. Because of the symbiont armor especially. We get +3 bonus on these attempts on troops that havesymbiont armor. There is plenty of options there. Kamael, sakiel, gao tarsos, new guy coming with ITS 9 called Cube jagger are the ones we have in the team. We have a doctor called kumotail,lets remind.
Baggage : Chaksas have it. I always field at least 2 chaksa baggages.
Advanced Command : We have an extra command token and thats all. For this we are paying 5 points more on its' owner Neema/taquel. I think that it is very expensive and i dont like it. If you have it, try to use all your command tokens.
Chain of command : One of the most useful skills in the game. We have it on several units and we can have several chain of commands in the field at the same time. Keltars and taquels have it. You can have 2 keltars at the same time and you can rambo your rasail with even your Lt order.
Specialist operative : We have on delegate. Cheapest specialist of the game.
Bio-immunity : I would be happy to see it on more units. At the moment, it is only on kosuils. Kosuils have arm 2 and bts of 3. They can use bts instead of arm when facing a mine for instance. useful skill.
V:Dogged : One of my favorite skills of the game and we have it on kerails' surdas. They make the job done before they die at the end.
Hyper dynamics level 1 / kinematica level 1-2 : Right skill on the right unit. Kerails' surdas have it. Surdas have already ph of 15 and it is very easy for them to dodge. Kinematica is useful time to time. Makaul like units with martial arts and surdas have it.
Multiterrain : Can be useful time to time. We have this skill on our infiltrators and on the sukeuls.
Six sense level 2 : Tohaa was the only army without six sense level 2 before kaauris. Now there is kaauri and they are very good deployment zone keepers.
Valor,courage : We have it on chaksas,sakiels and sukeuls. I dont enjoy this skill.
Veteran level 1 : we have it on sukeuls. Sukeuls keep on fighting till the end of the game. They nevel field the war field. Loosing a LT is not an issue for them.
Ghost : Sync. : Rasails,kerails and gorgos have this skill. It allows the main troop to have a friend nearby and they attack at the same time. Important skill on offence and defence. Only problem is that you cant coordinate troops having this skill. Anyways with new faq, we can use them in coordinated orders, after loosing the sychronised trooper.
Meta chemistry level 2 / morats : we have krakots and we enjoy them. Metachemistry brings nice options for krakot and as being morat, krakot knows no turn back.
Stealth : Apart from troops having martial arts like Neema and makaul, we have stealth option on sukeul too. So you can build a link for silent operations.
Minelayer : We have several options like kosuil, armand,nikoul and clipso.
Forward deployment level 1 : I like this skill. But only armand and krakots have it. I would love a specialist with symbiont bugs with that. On armand, it is nice to have it to find the right spot with a cover.
Regeneration : An other expensive skill which you can find on taquel and Aeleis Keesan. I still wait from corvus belli to make this skill auto, in the beginning of our turn. Otherwise it is really expensive for the moment.
Corahtar Discipline level 1 ( oh God please 2 ) : We have only level 1 for the moment that allows us to bring symbiomates and bombs. There is also kaauri wielding a pheroware tactics. When the level 2 comes ( which i hope with the new sectorial ) i will love my army more.
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