15 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba

Suprise masters of the sneaky tohaa

Tohaa is not bad on sneaky things. I hope that the situation will get better with the new sectorial. "Triumvirate" Freshly announced triumvirate sectorial can be home for new sneaky options that we liked to hear about. With the early 2018, i do expect it to be announced officialy and we can have more things to say in first quarter of 2018. For the moment, we will concentrate on the things in our hand.

We have 3 units who can attack or shot with suprises in tohaa. Clipso, Igao and the kotail. I wanted to investigate all of them together at one time.

 Suprising an opponent gives negative modifier to your opponent. if the attack is done by a weapon, this modifier is a - 3. If made by a close combatant, then your opponent has to face a -6 modifier.

Lets start with igao. Igao is a frenzy close combat master. One of the best close combatants in the game. if an igao attacks her opponent, your opponent has to face with several negative modifiers.

-6 modifier ,since it is a suprise attack
-3 modifier, since it is made by a martial arts level 3 master
-3 modifer, since she has also ikohl level 1 on it.

that means, your opponent will have a really hard chance now. He has to be lucky to survive from this. Igao has also DA ccw, which will mean a success makes your oppoent to make 2 arm rolls instead of 1.

Igao is fantastic killer. except this frenzy story , everything seems nice.

Dont forget that she has stun grenades and combi variant has nanopulsar option too. Template weapons in mid table are very heart breaking for your opponents.

Boarding shotgun is also fine. But i prefer more my igao with a combi. That right arm is looking very sexy for a convert.

Clipso is the cheapest to camo infiltrator of the game. to camo means -6 modifier already. suprise from cover means an other -6. it means an other -12 modifier for your opponent.

Clipso forward observer is one of the best units in the game. can push buttons, do flash pulse attacks, forward observing for smart rockets, best candidate for supresion fire.

by suprising the opponent, clipso can use her b11 +3 attacks as a threat by combi but the suprise master is an other unit. bs11 +6 attacks, made by a boarding shotgun is very hard to resist.

imagine an alone fusilier with bs12 is facing with this threat in his right range. bs15-12 means bs3 only and it is against a bs17 2 bursts attack. Better for fusilier to start praying.

Kotail is another unit to suprise opponents with a non traditional way. Holoechose after n3 now makes us to suprise our opponents. this gives our opponents a -3 modifier which helps us alot especially on spitfire and 2 combi attacks.

Kotail has bs12 which is infinity standart for basic killers. bs15 - 4 burst attack in his range means trouble for your opponent with this extra -3 modifier.

Holoecho level 1 option provides an other idea to kotails. to hide themselves like an unharmful piece. this doesnt give a negative modifier, but still a suprising factor.

Kotail have different weapon options. Forward observing, flash pulse, spitfire, e/m grenades, combi and boarding shotgun are all lovely options. My favorite one is forward observer with e/m grenades. Many things to do in one single package. i love it.

We have also one other unit that is a suprise master but in a defensive way. Only way to defend your army from suprise attacks. Kaauris.

 Kaauri defend the zone with his six sense level 2 ability. It can react to anything without any negative modifier. It doest care a camo unit completely. Because it has also msv level 1 too. Eliminates suprise mod and camo mimetism mod in order.

Moreover they have biometric visor level 2. Apart from camo suprises, it can finds the assasins and react freely against them. It will be a nasty suprise for a fiday.

For the moment, these are lovely options. We demand more, because we are thirsty. Our ears turned to Vigo and we are ready to hear more news from Spain in the coming 2018.

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