Shining in the army list all the time, there are several troops, that i cant hold my self from adding into the lists. I want to discuss these troops in this thread and will answer a question " Which is the best unit in tohaa ? "
Makauls - Sakiels - Sukeuls - Clipsos and Keltars. These are for me the 5 horsemen of the apocalypse. There is still fantastic units in our army like Rasails,chaksa baggage,krakots and others. Lets evaluate them one by one and try to find most essential unit for tohaa ? This point system below makes no sense but just my evaluation. It notifies the importance of this unit in tohaa and the unit deserves it by being how much frutiful against his cost in the army builder.
Clipso Forward Observer
cheapest to camo infiltrator specialist in the game. I cant find the right words ,but i like her very much. All the variants are very cool. However, Forward observer variant is a real gem. Hidden specialist with a combi in her hand. Have mines for tricky attacks. Bs11 and wip 13 is enough and doesnt increase the cost much. Suppresion fire master. Optimum combination of all needed things at one unit. 25 points cost without any swc. In an army with many links, you need a solo mission maker who starts the game in the middle of the table. I feel naked if i dont take her in a list. I give 93 points out of 100 points. Yes clipso is one of the best candidates.
Rasail Viral combi
Wonderful liuetenant without swc. Very fruitful combination of skills. Effectively 3 wounds + chaksa wound + mate bonus. Damn thing is still less than 40 points. Real destroyer and very hard to kill with his nanoscreen. Bs 12 is ok for this baby if you can manage to march it with makaul smokes to forward. Mate + bomb opens him more options and with chain of command units in our deployment, very enjoyable to start the game with saying " i use my lt order " You dont have any fear and you march by destroying things. It is an awesome unit that i put into my lists. Anyways i can live without a rasail. so i give him 91 points out of 100 points. Clipso still has the lead.
Chaksa Baggage
Chaksa Baggage is an unit that i feel naked if i wont take. After kaauri, i feel better now but still i need him in my lists. Not one,maybe more. Lets count what he has for 10 points. He has baggage skill. You can fill the flammenspear,panzerfaust more importantly symbiontbugs for taquel. He has sensor and that brings you also triangulated fire attack with his pistol till 24 inch. Cheapest regular order for tohaa and only 10 points in cost with total ava. of 4. Furthermore he has heavyflame thrower and he is an impresive deployment keeper too. I have to give chaksa baggage 91 points out of 100 points. One of the most fruitful units according to cost of tohaa.
Krakot 2chain rifle plus grenades
Cheap, normal impetious troop with 14 points. Brings orders, grenades and synergies well with forward observer clipso. Attacks to mid table early in the game and comes with regular order. I reiveved it before in an other longer thread so i wont be telling all the things about him Let me give him well deserved 85 points out of 100 points.
Sukeul hmg
Goodbye link leaders. Sukeul hmg arrived. Dont think that other variants are bad or not fruitful. All variants are impressive. Forward observer is a real gem for my eyes. But the hmg ? Mimetism + hmg in a triad with good bs of 13 is really impressive. Give her a mate as well and enjoy one of the most powerful units of the game. A real killer and deserve every single cost of it: I have to give her 95 points, sukeul hmg takes the lead.
Sakiel specialist ( paramedic or forward observer )
I love this unit. Who wouldnt love it ? 2 effective wounds + specialist. More over, he can make other symbiont armor wielders to heal more easily.Tricky nimbus plus grenades to coordinate with makaul heavyflame. Countless of synergy with the symibont bombs. All sakiels are like my babies. I want my sakiel box now. I want to try a list with 6 sakiels with 6 makauls, with their total ava. I forget to tell you his cost. all this madness are only for 20 points. sakiel forward observer is also impressive option too, but we always need a paramedic. Paramedic is slightly better idea. I cant help myself to give sakiel paramedic 94 points out of 100 points.
Keltar chain of command - light shotgun with mates
No tohaa army must be without keltars. For 21 points, lets see what he brings for us. wip 14 specialist and a spare leader. It helps your leader to use his lt orders. can push the buttons, have flass pulse to defend himself from long range attacks. But most important of everything, he brings the symbiomates. With symbiomates we protect our brothers. This is very important and after fielding them, you can understand easily that he is one of the most optimum units of the game. I give him 95 points out of 100 points. And keltar takes the lead with sukeul hmg.
Makaul heavyflame thrower with viral ccw
Makaul has many nice things at one time. I will try to count them for you. He is impetious, but brings normal order for very reasonable 13 points. He has heavy flamer in a triad and it means 2 burst in both defence and offence. He still has a pistol in hand when needed. He is a close combat dog with nice cc stat and martial arts. He has ikohl that makes your opponent to loose more mod, while attacking him. He can bring the triad members to fight for 2 more extra burst. More important then all of these, he has eclipse smokes to open our way for everybody and we move safely in these smokes. One more thing and it is over. I feel that makaul is the blood in the veins of tohaa triads. They make the triads to work. It makes them to move safely. Since he is linkable, even the impetious disadvantage disappears. So he deserves a crown. Ladies and gentleman, i have to give makaul 97 points out of 100 points. For me, makaul is the most important unit in Tohaa.
I advice you strongly to take one keltar, one chaksa baggage, 2 makauls and a sakiel specialist in any game to use your points in fruitful way.
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