6 Aralık 2017 Çarşamba

"Kamaels" the backbone units of tohaa

Ofcourse not. But still, there are some nice options there.

But the nice options are not in the above picture.  Kamaels are coming with the starter and with a seperate box including the swc options.

With a basic statline. Kamaels have the following stats.
nice bs 11 and nice wip 13 are there for you. Better than several other basic troopers in infinity. ph11 and arm1 is also not bad. standart movement of 4-4 and standart cc of 13.

Kamaels have fireteam: triad ability and nothing else. They can join the links. thats all. you can pass to other thread. :P

they look not bright with their stats but fireteam triads may need kamaels time to time. Lets evaluate the options that we have.

12 points 0 swc lt with combi
This variant is useful. You can hide your lt. among the other members. Put him into the second floor of the building and dont think about loosing it. i give this variant 55 points out of 100 points.

12 points 0 swc with combi
Pretty boring. You can take this variant as a fake,bait lt. against powerful players. Otherwise, other than being a cheap member of a triad, not useful at all. i give this variant 47 points out of 100 points.

13 points forward observer
can push buttons. in a triad, this is quite ok variant for forward observing ability and flashpulsing ith extra burst in aro. i give this variant 58 points out of 100 points.

14 points paramedic
if i take my sakiel specialist a forward observer, can take a kamael with paramedic. can push buttons and let tohaa people wake up from deep sleep. 57 points out of 100 points.

16 points 1 swc grenade luncher + combi
you spend extra 4 points and 1 swc to gain a grenade luncher in a triad. I want to remind you that we can never build 5 man links. so you can only use your poor bs11. even in best range scenario, you will have poor bs 8 option to use it in speculative fire. i can only give 42 points out of 100 points for this profile. use the arm of the mini else where.

18 points 1 swc spitfire
tell me one reason to not take sakiel spitfire and take this unit. no need to speak more and can give 44 points out of 100 points for him.

16 points 0,5 swc sniper
Now we are speaking. Best kamael profile. He can be a mate for gaoreel sniper, can help sukeul missile luncher in defensive link business. He is very efficient in ARO purposes. You can make him a link leader and by making move+attack, you can move the other members of the triad. i give 77 points out of 100 points for this variant.

16 points 0,5 swc white hacker
Can be the worst hacker but the cheapest one in a link too. You may need her for two things. If you have a gorgos or any HI infantry like Neema, she can help you to recover from any state. You can buff HI infantries ith fairy dust and can provide disadvantage for opponent AD troops. Secondly, she is your only hope for making hacking missions. Gaotarsos can benefit from her guiding for combat jump. If you bring kamael hacker, you must be sure about you bring the units that ill benefit from her. She can push the buttons too. i give kamael white hacker 68 points out of 100 points.

well these are the options. Kamaels are really boring now and i would be happy if Corvus belli brings some nice tools with them. a Nullifier option, a minelayer option, maybe a flammenspear instead of grenade luncher could really work to make them more selectable for our armies.

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