Tohaa fans are not happy these days. Since july 2017 to march 2018, we had only neema spitfire model. 8 months with a single model only is a bit discouraging.
Some players who are close to corvus belli claims that tohaa was designed to be a sectorial army not a real faction, which makes me worry more since i want to spend money on my army and looking for more options. I am tired of taking sukeul,sakiel,makauls,keltar and taking a few others after.

Some players who are close to corvus belli claims that tohaa was designed to be a sectorial army not a real faction, which makes me worry more since i want to spend money on my army and looking for more options. I am tired of taking sukeul,sakiel,makauls,keltar and taking a few others after.

I feel that tohaa needs at least 5-6 models that gives more options especialy without fireteam/gsync abilities. Gorgos, rasail, kerails are units coming with other units and that makes tohaa hard to find coordinated actions since we already have 2-3 fireteams at least.
and in LA we heard that nothing coming for us at all, along the year and will be a quite and calm year for us. There will be 5 sectorials coming this year and sorry but neither of them is the triumvirate.
i still expect to see one or two blisters this year. but better i concentrate on other things.
see you when my energy on the game is alright again.
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