13 Nisan 2018 Cuma

New Aeleis Keesan

Aeleis Keesan has been revised!

This was expected since DHD really sucks on an unit that has to march forward in a link. However we were not expecting to receive a killer hacker frankly speaking. But it happened. Now, we can enjoy it.

Lets check what we have by investigating on stats.

Ok. Here we go! First of all, now she is more cheaper. Instead of DHD, she gains killer hacker device. So she is a specialist still, but a better one. 

WIP 14 killer hacker is something dangerous for the hidden hackers. And more dangerous if this troop has also has sensor. Aeleis Keesan is the only hacker with sensor!

The idea is simple. You will move with Aeleis and ask to your hidden opponent, if he has an Aro. if he doesnt have, sensor it. We are now safe against hackers.

Aeleis Keesan, a symbiont troop and makaul together is a fantastic trio now. Lets check.

HATAIL AELIS KEESAN Viral Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Flash Pulse, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30)
 SAKIEL Paramedic (Medikit) Combi Rifle, Nimbus Plus Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)
 MAKAUL Heavy Flamethrower, Eclipse Grenades / Pistol, Viral CCW. (0 | 13)

 0 SWC | 63 Points

Take a keltar with bombs and give to sakiel one. Now these trio is very dangerous alltogether.

You have a killer hacker and a paramedic to push buttons and do the missions. Makaul to double flame and burn everything. Eclipse grenades to hide. viral to kill and nimbus plus grenade for tricks. You have many tactical options in one party. 

Lets evaluate what will killer hacker brings here.

Pandemonium + killer hacker 
Yes . You can do that now. Use sakiel in this example for pandemonium effect. Pandemonium is very powerful and easy for you to succeed. After then, you can use your Aeleis to kill the hacker much more easily. Pandemonium is a burst 3 attack with breaker ammo and has dmg of 14. you give your opponent extra -3 mod when defending herself.

If Aeleis uses killer hacker program "redrum", now you threat your opponent with -6 mod. really deadly.

killer hackers have cybermasks
Yes. Dont forget about that. İf you have makauls around, makauls are to kill things and die afterwards with positive mini trades. you can kill 3 ghulams and loose makaul at the end for instance. So Aeleis no can take the role in different way. Use cybermask and move with your deadly killer hacker to suprise attack your opponents with viral or k1 combi. hide yourself and push buttons.

she has dharges too. Now imagine that you move with your cybermask and try to put that dharge on the tag. cc14 with -3 mod not bad. something to keep in mind.

hacker is a protector
killer hacker is a powerful protector for Neema and Ectros likes. You can take one of these guys more safely now. You can sensor and kill the hacker if he shows up. 

 NEEMA Lieutenant (Advanced Command) Spitfire, Nanopulser / Viral Pistol, Shock CCW. (1.5 | 48)
 HATAIL AELIS KEESAN K1 Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Flash Pulse, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 29)
 MAKAUL Heavy Flamethrower, Eclipse Grenades / Pistol, Viral CCW. (0 | 13)

 1.5 SWC | 90 Points

I really like this idea. Think for a while the things you can do with this trio.

In long range it is fine, shorter range fine too. In close range, you can use the viral pistols,heavy flames,nanopulsers or k1 combi stuff. Neema is an exxcellent bomb carrier too. If there is a camo, give Aeleis the lead to kill hackers or sensor camo troopers. Aeleis in aro can kill the hackers coming closer to Neema and becomes a serious protector.

cybermask means camo and a friend 
i want to write it seperately. If you cybermask Aeleis, you can put her in a place inside of a repeater range and safely stay there and you are still a threat. Moreover cybermask can protect the group members if your opponent has template weapons. Use cybermask and get closer to your troops as much as possible. You will protect your guys because any template attack that aims Aeleis will be null from now on.

According to new tactical options Aeleis provides us, i want to give new Aeleis Keesan 83 out of 100 points. She is much more useful and can be taken time to time from now on.